The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is being used to set international standards for interlectual property rights. Also it aims to create a framework across the globe that will target counterfeit goods, generic medicines and copyright infringement. However the ACTA laws change form country to country:
Anyone in the USA found to be downloading copyrighted content 10 times or more within 6 months will recieve a 5 year jail sentence. Also the US government or the copyright holders will be allowed to issue court orders to any sites that are accused of infringement of piracy policies.
The UK ACTA policy isn't as extreme as the US policy, they are planning to send a letter to anyone that is caught downloading illegally, this letter will contain suggestions to help the person to stop downloading.
France's policy is a little more affective than the UK's, for anyone found to be downloading illegally thay will first send an e-mail to them and if they continue they will send a letter and still if they continue they will recieve a court order and the judge will be allowed to fine or remove their internet connection.
Italy dont have a three strike policy like France. Instead the internet provider will have to disconnect as soon as a person is found illegally downloading. Also they will have to keep a list of all the offenders incase of reoffenders.
In Spain the Interlectual Property Commission will decide whether or not to remove the data from the internet.
New Zealand:
Here they also have a three strike just like France however they will have to go to a tribunal where they will decide whether the offender will pay a fine and how much which is up to $15,000 and whether they will be disconnected.
ACTA has caused many issues across the globe, there have been several protests and patitions. One of which will be held at Trafalgar Square on 11th February. There are several other protests being planned through this website . If you would like to read the Consolidated Text you can view it at If you would like to sign the online petition you may do so here :,55